Wednesday, January 10, 2007

When in doubt, ask the Man.

The USSF announced the Guatemala match yesterday, scheduled for March 28th in Frisco, Texas at Pizza Hut Park, which I posted yesterday as well. The USSF press release also mentioned that the match would take place three days after a match against a yet to be determined opponent at a yet to be determined venue. Most people, (myself included) figured that they were referring to the rumored match against Ecuador that everyone is hearing about. The latest rumor was that the match would be at RFK Stadium in Washington, D.C., hell, FIFA itself had that match listed on its website.

Well, if you go check the FIFA website now, the Washington, D.C. listing has been removed. I cannot find the listing on the Ecuadorian National team website, which was the first place it was reported as D.C. being the venue. US is no help, but that is to be expected as they have always held their info close to the chest until everything is signed off. So I figured I would check with the best possible source for this, Washington Post writer, Steve Goff. Here is what he responded with:

"Local soccer folks know nothing about it.
Not sure why Ecuador/FIFA listed Washington as the site -- maybe they meant Washington state.
USA will probably end up playing Ecuador on March 25, but not likely in DC."
- Steve Goff

As Steve rarely gets these things wrong, especially when it has to do with the local soccer scene, I trust this as how it is. Goff isn't like some other US soccer writers who make claims about things, only to have them explode in their face.

Now could the USSF still be working with the Ecuadorian's and not even approached the people at RFK yet? Maybe, but doubtful. I think that this sucks as I was getting really geeked up to attend a USMNT match in D.C. again. I was at the last one, which was sort of EJ's coming out party and I want to go again.


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